Serial Parallel Controller User’s Guide—February 1993
The problem might be a faulty card or corrupted device driver. To determine
which is the cause of the problem:
1. Remove the card and install it again in the same SBus slot.
After powering on the system, observe the boot messages. If you see the
preceding message again, your card is most likely faulty and must be
replaced. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
2. Install the device driver again.
The device driver might have become corrupted. If the software is not
corrupted, installing the device driver again will initialize your card
Serial Port Problems
If the Serial Parallel Controller card initializes correctly, but peripherals or
modems connected to the patch panel do not operate correctly, or SunOS
displays device error messages, you most likely have serial port problems. You
can use the
program installed with your device driver to determine
which port(s) is responsible for the problem.
To use the
1. Quit processes on the particular card you wish to test.
Processes using the serial and parallel ports might interfere with the
2. If a specific serial port is responsible for the problem, disconnect the
serial cable of the peripheral or modem from the port.
Install a 25-pin loopback connector on the port you wish to test.
3. Type
cd /usr/diag/sundiag
and press Return.
4. Type
spiftest D=/dev/ttyz
n T=8
and press Return.
type the number of the peripheral or modem you wish to test. This
command runs a data loopback to the port to test the path from the card to
the 25-pin serial port connector on your patch panel.
If the test is successful, the problem is most likely a faulty peripheral,
modem, or serial cable. Otherwise, the problem might be a faulty patch
panel, 96-pin cable, or card. To determine whether the problem is a faulty
patch panel or cable, follow the instructions for troubleshooting patch panel
and cable problems later in this chapter.
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