Operating Instructions
- Technical alterations reserved -
PROFIBUS DP interface for IS1+
Startup delay of the CPU:
When the status of a CPU is changed from inactive to active via the control register, there is a delay of
500ms (maximum) before the CPU will report its status as active.
If the (previously active) CPU contains valid input data, then this information is transferred to the AS within
this time. The AS can then use this input data immediately after switch over.
If the now active CPU receives new configuration data, so that the input data of the previously active CPU
cannot be used, all the IO-Module must be initialized by the now active CPU. In this case, new input data is
not available before the CPU reports its status as active in the status register.
The AS therefore cannot use any data that was transmitted before the CPU reported its status as active.
Behavior of the DP Master (AS)
Configuration and parameterization of the redundant IS1+ fieldstation in the DP Master
The super ordinate automation system provides two DP slave devices on the PROFIBUS
CPM 9440
Firmware Rev.
CPU 9442
Protocol selection
(Socket Switch S1)
left CPU
right CPU
Offset right
CPU address
V01-xx, V02-xx
S1 = 2
Addr. Offs. 1
address n address n+1
S1 = 3
Addr. Offs. 0
address n
address n
on demand only
Both slave devices must be configured separately in the DP master configurator with identical I/O
arrangements and parameterized with identical slave parameters.
(Recommendation: first configure and parameterize the left slave and then copy the complete slave to the
second (right) slave.
Consequently, there is a separate memory area with the respective associated I/O data for each of the CPUs.
For the CPU pa
rameters, set the parameter ‘CPU redundant = Yes’ in the DP master configurator.
When configuring a field station with CPU redundancy, the CPU with the additional
from the module list
of the GSE file must be configured as the first module in both slaves
(Module No. / Slot = 0) (for example,
‘9440/..-..-.. CPM Zone 1 Red.’) in the DP master.
The CPU has 1 byte input data (status register) and 1 byte output data (control register), which is transmitted
in the cyclical data area from PROFIBUS DP. These registers help to control and monitor the redundancy by
means of the AS.
Even if redundant CPUs are used, you must configure only one CPU in slot 0 per field station, as from the
point of view of the master, there are two slaves with one CPU each respectively.
Software functions in the AS
The following software functions are required in the automation system (AS):
Functionality to update the I/O data to the user program.
Switching logic and redundancy control
Software parts required in the automation system for redundancy support are almost identical for all the
described redundancy structures.