Form No. 1000773
Rev. 0 August 12, 2014
Motion control is all about precision and control of a mass in motion; precision in the measure
ment of movements and control over the energies involved.
Whether it is a bridge, a building or any other kind of heavy load; lifting, lowering, tilting or posi
tioning of such a load can be carried out completely automatically with a high degree of accu
racy when using the SPX® Power Team® Motion Control System.
The PLC-controlled system includes a combination of digital actuation and digital control that
provides significant advantages including time savings, repeatability, and extremely low inter
nal stress in the object being moved.
In the standard configuration, a state-of-the-art A/D measurement system captures the dis
placement of the load during the movement process, in increments of less than two hundreths
of a millimeter. Those digital signals are then processed by the PLC, utilizing powerful algo
rithms, to generate the digital output used by the hydraulic system.
With system performance being driven by extremely short duration actuation times for specifi
cally selected valves, only small units of oil are directed to the selected hydraulic cylinders at
any given moment. With this "partitioning" of the hydraulic oil, the hydraulic system becomes a
virtual digital hydraulic system with all advantages of checkability and control over the move
ment of the load.
Subsequently, with all movement points being synchronized and under full control, no addition
al stresses are induced into the object being moved due to bending, torsion or shifting loads.
Measurements are taken and calculations are made utilizing a Best Developed
Available Technology (BDAT) PLC. Using the BDAT-PLC allows the operator to focus on moni
toring the movement without having to interfere or even take long-lasting manual interventions.
This creates the basis for significant time savings compared to traditional methods of moving
heavy loads.
Improved control in applications that involve the same movement repeatedly, such as self-
climbing formworks, strand-lift or stage-lift operations, is due to the functionality of the PLC
software and the operational features provided by the HMI (Human Machine Interface).
The same factors also allow for an automated documentation of the movement including pres
sure (force) on the various cylinders, a time signal and all operator actions taken via the HMI
Machine Interface).