Ella series controls and operation
The 516 and Ella Self are equipped with an adjustable loading trolley that enables the loading height of the stretcher to be adjusted to the surface on which it is to be loaded.
The possible range of adjustment is as follows:
Height under wheel (cm)
VLF height (loading board)
These heights can be obtained by adjusting the fastening screws on the loading trolley and positioning the trolley in a suitable position for the surface on which the stretcher
is to be loaded.
Image A shows how to adjust the loading trolley in order to obtain the minimum height position above the ground.
Image B shows how to adjust the loading carriage in order to obtain the maximum height position above the ground.
Caution: It is not possible to use the leg locking system in the closed position when the loading trolley is adjusted to the minimum height positions.
Adjustments to the trolley have a direct effect on the positioning of the rear fastening system installed on the
board. Adjustment should be made taking into account that, in simulated loading conditions and with the
loading trolley on the board, the wheels of the front legs should be 5/6 cm off the ground
The rear stop can be installed after adjusting the height of the loading trolley (if not carried out by the manu-
facturer according to the specifications provided by the customer).
To correctly install the rear stop, bring the stretcher into contact with the front stop, pull the lever out of the
rear stop as far as it will go and hold it in a vertical position.
Position the brake assembly so that it is perfectly centred on the stretcher and the upper end of the lever is
approximately 1cm from the stretcher arch.
Then mark the position of the holes and drill the holes using the clamp assembly as a template.
After screwing the assembly to the table, check that the lever is pressed against the stretcher stop and that
there is no more than 5mm of a gap.
Folding sidebars
The sidebars are designed to be used with two hands to prevent accidental movement.
To unlock the sidebars from the closed position, use both hands to pull outwards on the drives at the bottom
as shown in the figure. The sidebar will automatically lower, turning approximately 180°.
To close the sidebars back up, bring them back to the vertical position and press simultaneously with both
hands on the side profiles until the locking system is engaged. Check that the sidebars are correctly locked by
making a few repeated pulling movements.
Lowering the stretcher
Make sure that the sidebar is in the closed position; otherwise the stretcher is likely to become damaged. Lower the stretcher without the patient as follows:
Grasp the trolley handles on 516 from the “foot” (rear) side.
Lift the foot end (rear) until the front loading trolley wheels touch the ground.
Engage both trolley closing control levers.
Lower the rear part down to the ground, supporting the weight.
Before loading the patient, while the stretcher is on the ground, make sure that the ground underneath is flat, as non-horizontal surfaces can affect the static balance of the
stretcher. Spencer 516 is easier to manoeuvre in the open position; therefore, whenever possible, the stretcher should be brought to the desired point before lowering it.
Lifting the stretcher with the patient
Secure the patient on the stretcher with the straps provided.
The operators should position themselves at each end of the stretcher (one at the feet, the other at the head)
and check that the leg locks are disengaged.
Using the appropriate lifting technique to avoid fatigue, the operators should grasp the stretcher frame at each
end and lift the stretcher until the legs have opened and check to make sure that the legs are secure and stable.
If the entire stretcher is to be lifted, the legs can be locked in the closed position by pulling the appropriate
locking lever (image opposite).