“Mute” checked the person to whom you are speaking over the
Internet will hear your voice, but you won’t hear your yourself speak-
ing through your own speakers. If you want to prevent input from
the microphone uncheck the “Mic” box in the Recording panel.
Note: In Windows NT 4.0 “Mic Mon” box is located on the Micro-
phone panel in the ENSONIQ Mixer. When the “Mic Mon” box is
checked you will be able to hear anything spoken into the micro-
phone through your computer’s speakers. When the “Mute” box is
checked the microphone will receive no input.
Options Menu
The first choice,
Always on Top
does exactly as the name implies. It
will keep the ENSONIQ Mixer window on top of whatever program
windows are active at the moment. This will allow you to access the
record/volume controls easily when using applications that require
frequent volume adjustment.
The second choice,
Volume Control Only
will display only the main
volume control panel when selected.
A list of source panels available appears in the second section of the
Options menu. If a check mark is placed in front of a source, then
the panel for that source will appear in the ENSONIQ Mixer win-
dow. Unlike Windows 95 volume control, all ENSONIQ Mixer
options will appear in the same window.
Save Options Now
Save Options on Exit
selections you see in
the third segment of the
menu will save your customized
mixer settings.
MS-DOS Mode Utilities
The HOT-255 includes a few MS-DOS utilities. These utilities require the
AudioPCI™ driver, APINIT.COM, to be loaded.
The APCONFIG.EXE utility is used to obtain hardware settings and show
the status of the HOT-255. This is useful for finding out how the HOT-255
is configured so that you may properly setup a particular game.