animeo KNX 4 AC Motor Controller
WM/DRM 220-230 V AC
2011-2019, SOMFY Activites SA
50 avenue du Nouveau Monde
74300 Cluses
6.7.5 Contact B value on rising edge (0-255)
Default value:
Normally open
Selection options:
Normally open
Normally closed
With this parameter it is defined which contact type is at the local input B.
Normally open: The contact at the local input is activated closed and not activated opened.
Normally closed: The contact at the local input is activated opened and not activated closed.
Menu index card “Binary inputs – Dimming”
6.8.1 Basic Function
Selected option:
6.8.2 Long operation (dimming) after
Default value:
0.5 seconds
Selection options:
0.3 - 5.0 seconds
This parameter defines the activity time of the corresponding push button which makes a distinction between
the sending of a switching telegram and a dimming telegram. If the time, for example, is parameterized on
0.5 seconds, a dimming telegram is generated only after a press longer than 0.5 seconds is made. With a
pressing shorter than 0.5 seconds a switch telegram is generated.
6.8.3 Input A/B
Default value:
Selection options:
This parameter defines the value which is transmitted with a short pressing of the corresponding input.