DIRIS Digiware D-50 & D-70 - 548088B - SOCOMEC
When connecting to the Admin, Advanced User or Cyber security profiles for the first time, it is mandatory to
change default passwords. If these passwords are not changed, the "Password alert" alarm will remain active.
It is highly recommended to change all default passwords right away, especially the password of the Cyber security profile
which has the highest privileges including changing passwords for other accounts.
Once passwords have been changed, connect to the Cyber security profile, go to the “Profile” menu and click on
“Generate the passphrase”:
Copy the passphrase using the “Copy passphrase” button on the right side of the key, paste it somewhere and keep it
safe. This will allow you to recover your password for the Cyber security account, should you lose it.
Account lockout policy: 3 unsuccessful login attempts to the Admin, Advanced User or Cyber security account will
lock it for 1 hour. If you do not wish to wait 1 hour, you can reboot the D-50/D-70 display.
If you have forgotten to save the passphrase, the only option left is to reset the D-50/D-70 to factory default