DIRIS Digiware D-50 & D-70 - 548088B - SOCOMEC
• Data Push
- Authentication
Site name: This setting is essential to connect the D-50/D-70 display to a physical location within the project
structure. Default Site name is “SITE” and must be changed (in EMS export mode only) or a system alarm will
be triggered.
Server name: Unique identifier of the display. The default server name is the NET ID, displayed on the home
screen of the D-50/D-70 display.
- Data Logger
Server: To send data files to a remote server, the Administrator selects the FTP(S) server
Destination folder: Enter the remote server directory for receiving the files
Upload log files: Select if you want the display to also send the log file to the remote server
Address: Enter the IP address of the remote server
Port: Enter the software port (usually 20 or 21 for FTP and 990 for FTPS)
User name: enter the user name the access the remote server. It must be consistent with the User name
configured on the FTP server.
Password: enter the password to access the remote server. It must be consistent with the password
configured on the FTP server.
Secure communication: open a secure session between the display and the remote server
File format: data can be exported in different file formats (CSV and EMS – see appendices 1 and 2). The CSV
format is easier to use while EMS is better for importing data into an external energy management software.
Test connectivity: Test the FTP export function