1.2 Startup
When switching the power on for the first time, follow the startup procedure below.
Refer to the “Driver operation manual” for wiring method and detailed procedure.
Wiring check
environment check
Power-on of the contrd
circuit power supply
I/O signal wiring and
cables check
during power-on
Parameter setting
Power-on of the main
circuit power supply
Test operation
(JOG operation)
Actual operation
Confirm that the cables to the driver and actuator are
connected correctly.
Check the surrounding environment (cable routing and
impurity such as wire offcuts or metallic dust) of the driver
and the servo motor.
Follow the procedure shown in the "Driver Operation
Manual" to supply power to the product.
Check the wiring of the input and output signals and
according to the procedure shown in the "Driver
Operation Manual".
Set the parameters as necessary, such as selecting the
control mode and each control value.
Follow the procedure shown in the "Driver Operation
Manual" to supply power to the product.
Use the test operation mode (JOG operation) at the
slowest speed and check whether the servo motor
Operation with a vibration might be done according to the
In that case, adjust gain. (Refer to section 1.3)
Gain tuning
Check if the cables to the driver and actuator are
connected correctly.
Stops command to stop the operation.
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1)CC-Link cable (LECSC), SSCNETIII cable (LECSS)
2)When using test operation mode (JOG operation), the LECSC and LECSS need the
MR-Configurator, the LECSS-T needs the MR-Configurator2.