No current
In case of mains current interruption, depending on the duration of the interruption, the
oven maintains the set data as follows:
Power supply interruption <15 minutes:
all data is kept in the memory in case of automatic cooking or with pre-set time, the
cooking end is delayed for a time equal to the lacking of current
Power supply interruption >15 minutes < 24h:
date and time are kept in the memory but all other data is lost
Power supply interruption >24h:
all set data is reset, date and time updating is necessary
Manual use of the oven
From stand-by position, keep key pressed. In this way the main menu is accessed
(if no operation is performed for 2 minutes, the program returns in stand-by).
Scroll the menu up to “Manual Cooking” and confirm with . Select the wanted
function by acting on keys
, the display will show the symbol and description
of each accessible function. Once the function is chosen and confirmed with , the
program switches to setting the temperature (max 250°C), amendable with keys
After confirmation, it is possible to set the cooking duration using
Alternatively, confirming cooking start without amendments (Unlimited time), the same
will continue until your stop. At any moment, using key it is possible to go back to
previous parameters to amend them.
To stop the oven or place it in stand-by (heating interrupts), keep key pressed for a
few seconds. In this way it is also possible to engage the timer (see "Timer - manual
cooking" paragraph).
From main menu
The timer function, activated from main menu, allows engaging a buzzer that signals the
expiring of time for values varying from a minimum of 1 minute to a maximum of 8
hours. After such time, a buzzer will activate which interruption is had by pressing key
. The timer does not influence cooking or the entered programs.
Timer engagement:
Select the “Timer” function, act on
and confirm with .
From manual cooking menu
The timer can also be activated after cooking has already been started. By keeping key
pressed for a few seconds, the option "Timer" will appear on the screen, press key
and with keys
act like in previous case, confirming again with . Go back
to the cooking screen by acting on .