Programmed cooking
Programming of cooking duration - immediate start.
This function allows establishing the cooking duration by programming the oven switch-
off upon expiring of the time. All programs (except "Defrosting" and "Food warmer")
envision a pre-heating phase (separate from cooking phase) for reaching the set
temperature. A buzzer and the writing "Insert dish" will warn you when this happens.
This enables (it is recommended) to insert the dishes when the oven is already hot (see
"Pre-heating" paragraph").
Once the function and the wanted temperature are chosen in "Manual Cooking", the
writing "Unlimited time" appears on the screen. Wanting to program the cooking
duration, act on keys
to define the wanted time. Confirming with
the duration and cooking end appear on the display. Once the time expires cooking
stops and a buzzer starts. To stop the buzzer act on key .
NOTE: regardless of the function set by you, during pre-heating the display will show
the function icon "Ventilated cooking"
. This means the oven is using the quickest
system for reaching temperature. The previously chosen function will then activate in
the cooking phase.
Attention: The program for temperatures from 100°C upwards, will always
perform a pre-heating, also in manual functioning
In all functions, in manual cooking and in guided cooking, pre-heating always happens
with the quickest function (Ventilated cooking )
Once cooking is started, the display will indicate "Pre-heating" for temperatures from
100°C upwards. This means the program is bringing the oven temperature to the set
value. Once temperature is reached, a buzzer and graphic message will warn it is
possible to "Insert the dish". Therefore, insert the dish inside the oven and press the key
. If there is no intervention, the "Insert dish" warning will remain active for about 5
minutes, during which time the oven will maintain the temperature constant. After such
time, the "Cooking" will automatically activate.
Programming of cooking duration - programmed start
After having chosen cooking function, the temperature and the duration, select
"Programmed start". After the , as well as indication of the settings already made,
highlighted on the display also indication of cooking start. Acting on keys
is now possible to set the time when wanting cooking to start. The program will also
automatically update the cooking end time. The latter will depend on the previously set
Example: it is
, a 30 minute cooking time is set and cooking is to stop at
The oven will switch-on at
and switch-off at
. After having done this with
key , confirm programming. With the writing "Programmed start" the display will
signal the oven is in stand-by.