Guided recipes
The recipes are grouped in 6 different types of dishes giving a wide range of choice
(white meats - red meats - fish - vegetables/pasta - bread/pizza - cakes).
From the main menu, select the "Guided" entry, once the type of dish is chosen, e.g.
"White meats", confirm with . In this way accessing the submenu of the recipes
assimilated to white meats.
Select the wanted recipe scrolling the menu and finally confirming with
The screen enabling setting of the weight now appears. With
it is possible to
choose among 11 different values (expressed in grams) enabling to near the weight of
that to be cooked. The weight variation will slightly influence the cooking duration.
Confirm the choice and program, either immediate start or programmed start (see
previous chapters).
Once cooking has started, after the pre-heating phase (the "pre-heating" writing
disappears), the display will show the name of the chosen recipe. The oven will proceed
as programmed, varying the temperatures and the functions used in the various cooking
phases. The buzzer will warn of the cooking end.
Guided Recipes with programmed start
The programmed start can also be used with guided cooking (see previously seen
paragraph "Programming of cooking duration - programmed start"). It is essential in this
case for the dish to be inserted with the oven cold. The oven program also includes the
pre-heating times. Therefore, the total times are recalculated somehow taking into
account of the pre-heating in the cooking. With the exception of recipes for homemade
pizza, pizza margherita and frozen pizza, for which the insertion of dishes with cold
oven is not envisioned, therefore excluding programmed start.
Memo recipes, customised (Memo recipes/Guided)
With the "Memo recipes" function the possibility of customising a certain number of
cooking is had, creating up to 4 different programming to pleasure that will allow
cooking with the same mode of the guided cooking, but realised to pleasure.
Customised recipes recording (Recipes rec/Settings)
From main menu select "Settings", confirm and scroll successive menu up to entry
"Recipes rec". Once confirmed selecting “Recipe 1” with access is gained to the
programming screen.
Programming allows creating from 1 to 5 different phases, each of which is customised
choosing time, temperatures and functions values. In this way it is possible to combine
the alternating of temperatures functions and times, making your cooking perfect.
Indicative example of cooking a white meat dish:
PHASE 1 – “intensive cooking” function – temperature 200°C for 40 min
For an intense but even cooking, both inside and outside, at high temperature
PHASE 2 – “intensive cooking” function – temperature 150°C for 15 min
For continuing intense cooking more softly
PHASE 3 – “ventilated cooking” function – temperature 180°C for 15 min
For continuing cooking more delicately with even browning
PHASE 4 – “intensive cooking” function – temperature 100°C for 6 min
For delicately finishing cooking