Receiving an emergency call
f you are on the list as one of the recipients of the emerge
ncy call, you should read the
r a
re, entering the valid password is a
ay to acknowledge the emergency message. The control panel will continue to call the rest of
e phone numbers, unless the control panel is disarmed.
following instructions carefully. You should also notify all the persons you will be calling so th
know how to react when they receive the emergency call.
The control panel will call you when there are emergencies such as break-ins, smoke or fire
events, or a senior at home needs assistance.
When the phone rings at the calling location, the person who answers the phone will hea
message related to the emergency events, such as “System Panic”, or “Zone 1 Sensor 1
Triggered” etc. This message may be repeated several times depending on how it was
2. After the message has been played for the certain number of times, the control panel will
ask for a valid password, you will hear “Enter Password”.
Enter the 4-digit password in order to have access to the control panel, such as to disarm
the alarm so it will stop the siren from sounding and terminate it from calling the rest of the
numbers. If a valid password is accepted, you will hear “Password Accepted”, otherwise,
you will hear “Password Failure”.
4. After entering the correct password, you can follow the “Phone Command” instructions to
perform the required tasks, such as disarm, check the system status again etc.
Note: Once the called party has entered a valid password, that person will not be called again,
ven the redial count is set to call more than once. Therefo