Alarm & Alert Mode
When a sensor
Notify by voice
announcement, beeping
and LED flashing.
When somebody in the home. The
system alerts you what is
happening around the users.
Siren goes off, LED
flashing and voice
announcement. Built-in
dialer calls for help.
When nobody in the home. The
system calls for help when a sensor
is triggered.
Alert mode
In Alert mode, the control panel will give you notification of the triggered sensor(s) by voice
announcement, unique beeping and LED flashing.
Number of beeps of Buzzer = Zone of the triggered sensor
Number of flashes of LED = Sensor number of the triggered sensor
Voice announcement = Tells you the zone and locations of the triggered sensor by human voice.
If zone 1 sensor 1 is triggered, you will hear a voice announcement “Zone 1 Sensor 1 triggered”
from the control panel. It will also emit one beep at a time, and the LED will flash once at a time.
If zone 3 sensor 2 is triggered, you will hear “Zone 3 Sensor 2 triggered. It will also emit 3
beeps at a time, and the LED will flash twice at a time.
Note: Each zone can program up to 2 sensors. There are 5 zones, so up to 10 sensors can be
programmed to the control panel.
For Door / Window sensor, alert notification (beeping and LED flashing) will continue until the
sensor is in the closed position, i.e. closing that window or door.
For Motion Detector, the alert notification (beeping and LED flashing) will last for
15 seconds
every detected movement.
When the beeping becomes undesired, you can terminate the beeping in 3 different ways:
1) Manual mute by pressing the mute button
Pressing the mute button will terminate the beeping for all the activated sensors. For example,
if a window with a window sensor will be open for a long period of time, the continuous beeping
may become undesired. Pressing the mute button will temporary disable the beeping for this
sensor only, while it will still beep if other sensors are triggered. When the muted sensor is
closed and triggered again, the beeping will resume, i.e. if the window is closed and then re-
open, beeping will continue.
2) Change the buzzer mode to Alarm only