Alert Zone
[PROG] + [8]
Erase Sensor
[PROG] + [9]
Erase Remote / Receiver
[PROG] + [0]
Learn Sensor
t trigger,
xplanation for each zone dependent feature can be found in Advanced
ensor Location Selection Guide
bled. It is not possible to enable a zone dependent feature for sensor 1 only, but
Detailed explanation for each feature can be found in Advanced Programming.
You can program up to 10 sensors to the control panel. There are 5 zones, each zone can
program 2 sensors. Before programming a sensor, you must decide which sensor location
(zone number and sensor number) you would like to program the sensor to. It is strongly
recommended that you refer to “Sensor Location Selection Guide” and study the 4 zone
dependent features before deciding which sensor location you would like to program the new
sensors to. The 4 zone dependent features are: 1) buzzer sound, 2) auto mute, 3) even
) alert zone. E
You can program up to 10 sensors to the control panel. There are 5 zones and there are some
zone dependent features. Zone dependent feature means all the sensors in that zone will
operate based on the setting for that zone. So if you program 2 sensors into one zone, those 2
sensors will react in the same manner for those zone dependent features. For example, if you
enable the Auto-Mute feature for zone 1, both zone 1 sensor 1, and zone 1 sensor 2 will have
his feature ena
not sensor 2.
Therefore, the followings are some suggestions of how you should select the sensor location.
1. Check all the zone dependent features, and determine if you would like to enable any o
of them.
If you decide not to enable any zone dependent features and keep the factory default
setting, you can simply program the sensor to any sensor location based on your own
preference. Omit the following steps.
If you decide to enable some of the zone dependent features, check Table 2 below. Circle
the zone dependent feature selections. If there are features that you would like to en
for more than 2 sensors, you need to select more than one zone for those featur
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Zone Depend t Features
Auto Mute
Beep / Alarm
Event Trigger
Zone 1
Beep / Alarm
Y / N
Disabled / On / Off
Y / N
Zone 2
Beep / Alarm
Y / N
Disabled / On / Off
Y / N
Zone 3
Beep / Alarm
Y / N
Disabled / On / Off
Y / N
Zone 4
Beep / Alarm
Y / N
Disabled / On / Off
Y / N
Zone 5
Beep / Alarm
Y / N
Disabled / On / Off
Y / N