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C l e a n i n g
C l e a n i n g t h e m a c h i n e
The follow ing parts of the machine must be cleaned
Appliance internal circuit
Coffee grounds container
Drip tray
Water tank
Coffee spouts
Pre-ground coffee funnel
Infuser, accessible after opening the service door
Milk container
Hot w ater/steam connection nozzle
Control panel
Do not use solvents, abrasive detergents or
alcohol to clean the coffee machine. It is not
necessary to use chemical products to clean the
None of the components of the appliance can
be w ashed in a dishw asher w ith the exception
of the milk container.
Do not use metal obj ects to remove
encrustations or coffee deposits as they could
scratch metal or plastic surfaces.
C l e a n i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e i n t e r n a l
c i r c u i t
If the appliance is not used for more than 3/4 days,
before using it again, w e strongly recommend
sw itching it on and:
Performing 2/3 rinse cycles by selecting the
" Rinse" function (paragraph " Rinsing" )
Delivering hot w ater for a few seconds (section
" Delivering hot w ater" ).
After cleaning, it is normal for the grounds
container to contain w ater.
C l e a n i n g t h e c o f f e e g r o u n d s
c o n t a i n e r
When the display show s the message EMPTY
GROUND CONTAINER, the grounds container must
be emptied and cleaned. The appliance cannot be
used to make coffee until the grounds container has
been cleaned.
Even if not full, the empty grounds container message
is displayed 72 hours after the first coffee has been
prepared (for the 72 hours to be calculated correctly,
the machine must never be turned off w ith the main
sw itch).
To c l e a n ( w i t h t h e m a c h i n e o n ) :
Open the bottom door by rotating it dow nw ards.
Remove the drip tray, empty and clean it.
Carefully empty and clean the coffee grounds
container taking care to remove all the residue
that can be deposited on the bottom. The brush
provided features a spatula especially for this
j ob.
When removing the drip tray it is obligatory to
alw ays empty the grounds container even if it
contains few grounds. If this is not done, w hen
you make the next coffees, the grounds container
may fill up more than expected and clog the