11 Appendix
Version 06/2012, Rev. 1.0 • sb-kue
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos: 211 /10 0 Sigm a/11 0 BA Z entrif uge n (Pr ojekt e)/6 -16S _6- 16HS/11 0 Anh ang/ 110 -00 10- 001 0 Höc hstd rehz ahle n von Gef äß en 6 -16S @ 13\ mo d_1 3406 048 247 79_ 68.d ocx @ 678 09 @ 33 32 @ 1
11.1.1 Maximum speed for tubes
Some tubes, such as centrifuge glass tubes, microtubes, culture tubes,
fluoropolymer tubes and especially high-volume tubes can be used in our
rotors, buckets, and adapters at higher speeds than their breaking limit.
• Always fill the tubes up to their useful volume (= the volume that is
stated for the tube).
• When using glass tubes, the maximum value of 4,000 x g must not be
exceeded (except special high-strength glass tubes; please refer to the
information provided by the manufacturer).
• When installing the 500 ml bottles use the supplied supporting rings
• Attention: At speeds above 8,000 rpm, there is an increased risk of
breakage, in particular for 250 ml bottles.
Pos: 212 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Lee rzeile @ 0\ mo d_12 021 162 445 00_ 0.doc x @ 1 14 @ @ 1
Pos: 213 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 110 Anha ng/1 10- 001 0-0 020 R adie n de r Rot ore n @ 10\ mod _13 2946 719 599 6_6 8.do cx @ 6 011 1 @ 222 2 @ 1
11.1.2 Rotor radii
The information in the accessories table concerning the radius refers to the
values of the respective rotor as shown below. The radius calculation is
described in chapter - "
Speed, radius, and relative centrifugal
Fig. 28: Minimum and maximum radius of an angle rotor
Fig. 29: Minimum and maximum radius of a swing-out rotor
Pos: 214 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Sei tenwe chsel @ 0\ mod _12 021 1624 431 2_0 .docx @ 1 05 @ @ 1