11 Appendix
Version 06/2012, Rev. 1.0 • sb-kue
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos: 208 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 110 Anha ng/1 10 A nhan g= == === == == === == == === == == === == == == === = @ 7\m od_ 130 6748 620 237 _68. docx @ 43 955 @ 1 @ 1
11 Appendix
Pos: 209 /10 0 Sigm a/11 0 BA Z entrif uge n (Pr ojekt e)/6 -16S _6- 16HS/11 0 Anh ang/ 110 -00 10 Zub ehö rpr ogr am m 6 -16S @ 13\ mod _13 406 039 344 35_6 8.d ocx @ 677 71 @ 33 @ 1
11.1 Range of accessories
Part no.
Max. speed
field (x g)
Swing-out rotor for microtiter plates, incl. 1 set carriers no. 13218, sealable
with cap no. 17108, incl. plate holder no. 17978, max. height of plates
80 mm, max. load per bucket approx. 520 g
Radius max. 15.1 cm, radius min. 5.8 cm
5 700
5 485
Swing-out rotor 32 x 1.5/2.0 ml, incl. 4 sets buckets no. 13124,
for e.g. reaction vials no. 15008, 15040,
incl. hermetic aluminium lid no. 17880
Radius max. 8.4 cm, radius min. 4.4 cm
12 000
13 523
Swing-out rotor, 4 place, for buckets no. 13215, 13220, 13221, 13233,
13234, 13235, 13236, 13420, 13525 and 13550
Swing-out rotor 48 x 15 ml, complete, no. 11150, incl. 2 sets rectangular
buckets no. 13215, 2 sets rectangular carriers no. 18015, and 48 PPCO-
tubes 15 ml no. 15023
Radius max. 18.2 cm, radius min. 8.8 cm
4 500
4 120
Swing-out rotor 96 x 15 ml complete, no. 11150, incl. 1 set double
rectangular buckets no. 13420, 4 sets rectangular carriers no. 18015 and
96 PPCO-tubes 15 ml no. 15023
Radius max. 19.3 cm, radius min. 10.5 cm
4 200
3 806
Swing-out rotor, 6 place, for buckets no. 13127
Swing-out rotor 72 x 15 ml, complete, no. 11156, incl. 3 sets rectangular
buckets no. 13127, 3 sets rectangular carriers no. 18015, and 72 PPCO-
tubes 15 ml no. 15023
Radius max. 19.1 cm, radius min. 9.7 cm
4 500
4 324
Swing-out rotor, 4 place, for glass tubes for mineral oil
bucket no. 13113:
Radius max. 21.3 cm, radius min. 1.3 cm
bucket no. 13114:
Radius max. 19.1 cm, radius min. 2.8 cm
bucket no. 13116:
Radius max. 17.3 cm, radius min. 1.6 cm
3 000
3 000
3 000
2 143
1 922
1 741
Swing-out rotor 4 x 100 ml complete, no. 11165, incl. 2 sets buckets no.
13113, 4 mineral oil glass tubes 8“ following former ASTM D91/96 no.
15130 and 2 sets adapters no. 16103, (13113 sealable with cap no.
Radius max. 21.3 cm, radius min. 1.3 cm
3 000
2 143
Swing-out rotor, 4 place, for buckets no. 13421, 13450 13621, 13625,
13635, 13650
Swing-out rotor 48 x 15 ml culture tubes complete, no. 11650, incl. 2 sets
buckets no. 13650, 2 sets adapters no. 17659 and 48 tubes 15 ml no.
Radius max. 21.2 cm, radius min. 7.0 cm
4 200
4 181
Angle rotor 30 x 1.5/2.0 ml, for e.g. reaction vials no. 15008, 15040,
incl. hermetic aluminium lid no. 17844
Radius max. 10.0 cm, radius min. 6.7 cm, angle 45°
13 500
20 376
Angle rotor 20 x 10 ml, for tubes no. 15000, 15010, 15039, incl. hermetic
aluminium lid no. 17846
Radius max. 9.8 cm, radius min. 5.8 cm, angle 25°
12 500
17 119