6 Using the centrifuge
Version 06/2012, Rev. 1.0 • sb-kue
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos: 112 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 060 Betrie b_Spinc ont rol L +S/06 0-0 020 -00 20- 004 0 Ad apte r - nur L+S @ 7\ mod _130 640 367 744 1_6 8.doc x @ 4 359 7 @ 44 @ 1 Adapters
In order to ensure easy handling, even if vessels of various sizes are used,
carrier systems were developed.
• Load the opposite carriers with the same number of vessels and with
the same weights in order to avoid imbalance.
• If all of the compartments of a carrier are not used, the buckets must be
loaded evenly. Loading the edges of a bucket only is not permissible.
Pos: 113 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Lee rzeile @ 0\ mo d_12 021 162 445 00_ 0.doc x @ 1 14 @ @ 1
Pos: 114 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 060 Betrie b_Spinc ont rol L +S/06 0-0 020 -00 20- 005 0 G efä ße @ 7\m od_ 130 640 392 328 3_68 .docx @ 4 360 4 @ 4 4 @ 1 Tubes
• Load the tubes outside of the centrifuge. Liquids in the buckets or
multiple carriers cause corrosion .
• Fill the tubes carefully and arrange them according to their weight.
Imbalances result in the excessive wear of the bearings.
• In high-speed angle rotors, the vessels must be filled up to their useful
volume (= the volume stated for the vessel). If the vessels are only
partially filled, they will deform. This may result in leaks at the seals that
may become loose.
• When using glass tubes, the maximum value of 4,000 x g must not be
exceeded (except special high-strength glass tubes; please refer to the
information provided by the manufacturer).
• Follow the safety instructions and hazard warnings (see chapter 3 -
Pos: 115 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Lee rzeile @ 0\ mo d_12 021 162 445 00_ 0.doc x @ 1 14 @ @ 1
Pos: 116 /10 0 Sigm a/11 0 BA Z entrif uge n (Pr ojekt e)/6 -16S _6- 16HS/06 0 Bet rieb/ 060 -00 20- 002 0-0 060 Blu tbeu telsyst eme @ 1 3\m od_1 340 607 136 850 _68. docx @ 67 825 @ 44 @ 1
Blood bag systems
The centrifuge tolerates an imbalance of approx. 20 g. Therefore, it is
important to balance the buckets carefully.
• All four places of a rotor must be loaded with buckets. It is permissible
to fill just two opposite buckets with blood bag systems.
• The opposite buckets including the filled blood bag systems must have
an equal weight.
• The blood bags have to be put into the opposite buckets mirror-inverted.
• If in one bucket the main blood bag is on the left side, then the main
blood bag inserted in the opposite bucket has to be on the right side.
1 Filter
Blood bag
Fig. 9: Loading of blood bag systems