3 Safety
Version 06/2012, Rev. 1.0 • sb-kue
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos: 57 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 30 Sich erh eit/0 30- 0070 Siche rheit seinri chtu nge n-- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- @ 7\ mo d_1 3063 066 313 03_ 68.d ocx @ 433 59 @ 2 @ 1
3.7 Safety
Pos: 58 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 30 Sich erh eit/0 30- 0070 -00 10 Deckelv er riegel ung @ 7\ mod _13 063 066 668 82_6 8.d ocx @ 433 66 @ 33 @ 1
Lid lock device
The centrifuge can only be started when the lid is properly closed. The
electrical lock must be locked. The lid can only be opened when the rotor
has stopped. If the lid is opened by way of the emergency release system
during operation, the centrifuge will immediately switch off and decelerate
brakeless. If the lid is open, the drive is completely separated from the
mains power supply, i.e. the centrifuge cannot be started (see chapter 7.1.1
- "
Emergency lid release
Pos: 59 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 60 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 30 Sich erh eit/0 30- 0070 -00 20 Stillstan dsüb erwac hun g @ 7 \mo d_1 306 306 754 285_ 68. docx @ 43 373 @ 33 @ 1
Standstill monitoring system
Opening of the centrifuge lid is only possible if the rotor is at a standstill.
This standstill is checked by the microprocessor.
Pos: 61 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 62 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 30 Sich erh eit/0 30- 0070 -00 30 System kont rolle Spi ncon trol S @ 7\ mod _13 063 0680 167 3_6 8.do cx @ 4338 0 @ 33 @ 1
3.7.3 System check
An internal system check monitors the data transfer and sensor signals with
regard to plausibility. Errors are detected with extreme sensitivity and
displayed as error messages in a dialog box (see chapter 7.2 - "
Table of
error codes
Pos: 63 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 64 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 30 Sich erh eit/0 30- 0070 -00 40 Schutzl eiter prü fung Spinco ntr ol L+S @ 7\ mod _13 063 0689 173 7_6 8.do cx @ 4338 7 @ 33 @ 1
Earth conductor check
For the earth conductor check, there is an equipotential bonding screw on
the rear panel of the centrifuge (see chapter 5.2.1 - "
"). An
earth conductor check can be carried out by authorized and specialized
personnel using a suitable measuring instrument. Please contact the Sigma
service department (see chapter 7.3 - "
Service contact
Pos: 65 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 66 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 30 Sich erh eit/0 30- 0070 -00 50 Unwuc htüb erwa chu ng Spinc ont rol S @ 7\m od_ 1306 306 992 964 _68. docx @ 43 394 @ 3 3 @ 1
Imbalance monitoring system
A dialog box may pop up or emit a sound signal in order to indicate that the
centrifuge is in the inadmissible imbalance range. If the rotor is loaded
unevenly, the drive will be switched off in the acceleration phase or during
the run.
Pos: 67 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 68 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 30 Sich erh eit/0 30- 0070 -00 60 Te mpe rat urü berw achu ng @ 7\m od_ 130 630 705 908 5_68 .docx @ 4 340 1 @ 3 3 @ 1
Temperature monitoring system
If the temperature inside the rotor chamber rises above 50°C, the drive
system will be switched off automatically. The centrifuge cannot be
restarted until it has cooled.
Pos: 69 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 70 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 30 Sich erh eit/0 30- 0070 -00 70 Roto rüb erwa chun g @ 7\m od_ 130 6307 163 754 _68. docx @ 43 408 @ 2 2 @ 1
Rotor monitoring system
When a rotor number and, if applicable, a bucket number are selected, the
computer will automatically check whether the entered speed or the
entered gravitational field are permissible for the selected rotor.
Pos: 71 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ Seit enwec hsel @ 0\m od_ 120 211 6244 312 _0. docx @ 10 5 @ @ 1