6 Using the centrifuge
Version 06/2012, Rev. 1.0 • sb-kue
Translation of the original operating manual
The delta T temperature monitoring system (see chapter (see chapter - "
Parameters menu
"), Process) remains inactive as long as the
"RAPID_TEMP" program is active.
If the "RAPID_TEMP" program is used, the temperature of the unloaded
aluminium bucket will be displayed. If samples, which have not been
precooled, are placed into the buckets, the displayed temperature will
deviate from the actual sample temperature.
This function is used to select an acceleration curve. One can select a
linear rise (curves 0-9) or a quadratic rise (curves 10-19). The acceleration
curves 20-29 can be programmed as desired.
Their shape is explained in detail in chapter 11.3 - "
Acceleration and
deceleration curves
Deceleration (Brake)
This function is used in order to select a curve that decelerates the
centrifuge to a standstill. Deceleration curves are inverted images of the
acceleration curves and are labelled with identical numbers. Deceleration
curve no. 0 represents a brakeless deceleration.
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The "Parameters" menu is used to specify various conditions for the
centrifugation. These conditions are used to monitor the process and to
control access to the centrifuge.
Fig. 16: Parameter menu
Standstill heating
Depending on the substances to be centrifuged, it may make sense to
preheat the centrifuge. The preheating prevents the heated samples in the
uncooled centrifuge from cooling down to an inadmissible temperature.