Siemens Building Technologies
Commissioning instructions OZW775 V2.01
HVAC Products
Parameterize OZW775
4.3.4 Data points in the "Message receiver" operating page
Command sequence: Message receiver > Message receiver 1…4
Data point "E-mail address" is displayed if:
Receiver type
Data point
Explanation, example
E-mail address
Default val: name*provider.com
Setting val: E-mail address
E-mail address of message receiver (e.g.
[email protected]).
Data point "Phone number receiver" is displayed if:
Receiver type
= Modem
Data point
Explanation, example
Phone number receiver
Default val: (Blank)
Setting val: Phone number
Phone number of the end device (e.g. fax)
designated as message receiver (fault or
service messages, system reports). Default
value (blank) => no default phone number.
Characters allowed: 0…-9, /, -, w, W, =, @, !, &,
<, space and comma ' , '
Command sequence:
Message receiver > Message receiver 1…4 > Send messages
Data point
Explanation, example
Special day
Default val: No switching times:
Setting val: 00:00…24:00
FB "Message receiver" is subdivided into 4
receivers (see Section 7.3, Configuration
Each message receiver has a time switch to
program max 3 transmission time ranges for
each weekday, i.e. periods during which the
central communication unit can send messages.
The times are programmed graphically(see
screenshot on preceding page).
Command sequence:
Message receiver > Message receiver 1…4 > Holidays/special days
Entry 1…16
Default val: None
Setting val: See screenshot
FB "Message receiver" is subdivided into 4
receivers (see configuration diagrams).
Each receiver offers a yearly calendar to enter
holidays and special days. Messages are sent
on days not listed in the calendar as holidays or
special days. See example on the next page.
Message receiver 1…4
Send messages
Holidays/special days