4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel
Frequency inverter
Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
Commissioning steps
The following section provides a step-by-step guide to quick commissioning, which is
sufficient for the majority of applications.
The first step in commissioning a drive train is to ensure that the converter and motor are
harmonized. This converter-motor combination can then be adapted in line with the
requirements of the drive machine
The frequency inverter is adapted to the requirements of an application by parameterizing it.
A corresponding parameter list with explanations is provided on the following pages.
Commissioning V/f control
Since the load characteristic can be set as required, V/f control is sufficient for many drive
trains. A drive train that operates with
V/f control with a linear characteristic can be set by
entering the following parameters.
Parameter settings for V/f control
Table 4- 5
Setting the access level and parameter filter
P0003 = 1
User access level
1: Standard: Allows access to the most frequently used parameters (factory setting)
2: Extended: Allows extended access, e.g. to inverter I/O functions
3: Expert: For experts only
P0010 = 1
Commissioning parameter filter
0: Ready (factory setting)
1: Quick commissioning
30: Factory setting
To parameterize the motor rating plate data, set P0010 = 1.
Table 4- 6
Data on the environmental conditions at the installation location
P0100 = 0
Europe / North America (line frequency of region)
0: Europe [kW], standard frequency 50 Hz (factory setting)
1: North America [hp], standard frequency: 60 Hz
2: North America [kW], standard frequency: 60 Hz
P0230 = 0
Shows the selected output filter
0: No filter (factory setting)
P0233 = ...
Filter inductance of the output filter used
0.000 (factory setting)
P0234 = ...
Filter capacitance of the output filter used
0.000 (factory setting)