5.10 Technological functions
Frequency inverter
Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
Table 5- 38 Control logic parameters of the motor holding brake
P0003 = 2
Enables extended parameter access
P1215 = …
Enable motor holding brake
0 Motor holding brake disabled (factory setting)
1 Motor holding brake enabled
P0731= 52.C BI: Function digital output 1
To control the braking relay via the digital output, the following must apply for digital
output 1: P0731 = 52.C = 52.12
P0346 = …
Magnetizing time time
0 ... 20 s, factory setting 1 s
P1080 = …
Minimum frequency
0 … 650 Hz, (0 Hz factory setting): minimum motor frequency, regardless of
frequency setpoint
P1216 = …
Delay time for opening the brake
0 ... 20 s, factory setting 0.1 s
Note: P1216> brake release time + relay opening time
P1217 = …
Holding time after runout
0 ... 20 s, factory setting 0.1 s
Note: P1217> brake closing time + relay closing time
P1227 = …
Zero value detection monitoring time
0 ... 300 s, factory setting 4 s
"Brake active" status
Opening the motor holding brake via P1218
Using parameter P1218, you can force the brake to open, e.g. in order to be able to
manually move a conveyor drive.
P1218 is ignored if the motor holding brake is closed because of an STO.
Secure loads held by the brake!
Since this procedure cancels the "Brake active" signal which, in turn, causes the brake to
be forced open, the user must ensure that, even when the motor has been powered-down,
all loads held by the brake are secured before the signal is canceled.
Table 5- 39 Parameter to force open a motor holding brake
P0003 = 3
Enables expert access to parameters
P1218 = 1
Forcibly opens the motor holding brake