1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel)
Frequency inverter
Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
When do you need to use BICO technology?
BICO technology allows you to adapt the drive in line with a wide range of different
requirements. This does not necessarily have to involve highly complex functions.
Example 1: Assign a different function to a digital input.
Example 2: Switch the speed setpoint from the fixed setpoint to the analog input.
What precautions should you take when using BICO technology?
Always take care when establishing internal interconnections. Note which changes you make
as you go along since the process of analyzing them later can be quite difficult.
The STARTER commissioning software contains various screens that make it much easier
for you to use BICO technology. The signals that you can interconnect are displayed in plain
text, which means that you do not need any prior knowledge of BICO technology.
What sources of information do you need to help you set parameters using BICO
This manual is sufficient for simple interconnections (e.g. assigning a different function to
digital inputs).
The parameter list in the List Manual is sufficient for more complex interconnections.
You can also refer to the function diagrams in the List Manual for complex