Messages and fault codes
7.1 Indicators (LEDs)
Frequency inverter
Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
Reading messages
The following parameters must be taken into account when alarms are processed:
Stored in parameter r2110 under the code number; can be read (e.g. A0503 = 503). The
value 0 indicates that no alarm is generated. The index allows you to access the two
current alarms and the two previous alarms.
General fault acknowledgement
You can use one of the following methods to reset the fault number:
Press FN on the BOP.
Factory setting: acknowledge via DI 2.
Set bit 7 in control word 1 (r0054).
Switch the converter off and then on again.
(Switch off/on the main power supply and the external 24 V supply for the Control Unit.)
Faults that can only be acknowledged by switching the device off and then on again
F00051 Parameter EEPROM fault
F00052 Power Stack fault
F00061 Automatic download (no MMC)
F00062 Automatic download (MMC content invalid)
F00063 Automatic download (MMC content incompatible)
F00064 The drive has attempted to download data automatically while ramping up.
F01601 System startup fault
The drive cannot be operated until all active faults have been acknowledged. The
procedure for deleting F00395 is described under "Message F00395" in this manual.
Motor failure without fault code or alarm
If the motor does not start once the ON command has been issued:
Check whether P0010 = 0.
Check the converter status via r0052.
Check the command and setpoint source (P0700 and P1000).
Check whether the motor data refers to the converter data "load range" and "voltage".