KNX communications
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4.12.2 LTE-Mode
LTE-Mode was specifically designed to simplify engineering. Unlike with S-Mode,
individual connections (group addresses) need not be created in the tool. The
devices autonomously establish connections.
The following circumstances are predefined:
Every device or subdevice is located within a zone
Every data point (input or output) is assigned to a zone
Every data point (input or output) has a precisely defined "name"
Whenever an output and an input with the same "name" are located in the same
zone, a connection is established automatically, as shown in the following diagram.
For a detailed description of KNX (topology, bus supply, function and setting of
LTE zones, filter tables, etc.), see "Communication via the KNX bus for Synco
700, 900 and RXB/RXL, Basic Documentation [
5]" [7]
LTE-Mode data points and settings are described in the Synco Application
5] [14]
To engineer and commission a specific system, use the Synco700 planning
5] (XLS table in HIT, [8])
4.12.3 Zone addressing in LTE-Mode (with Synco)
Zone addresses must be allocated where RDG2..KN KNX room thermostats are
used in LTE-Mode (e.g. in conjunction with Synco).
The following zone addresses must be defined together with the Synco devices at
the planning stage based on application.
Short description
Factory setting
Geographical zone (apartment)
-- (out of service)
Geographical zone (room)
Heat distr zone heating coil
-- (out of service)
Refr distr zone cooling coil
-- (out of service)
Heat distr zone heating surface
-- (out of service)
"Subzone" of "Geographical zone" is fixed at 1 (not adjustable).
The device sends and receives LTE communication signals only, if the zone
address is valid (not OSV = not out of service).
Both geographical zones P901 and P902 cannot be set to same value on two
devices simultaneously.
The zones are defined as follows:
Engineering and