Room temperature setpoints
33 | 150
This allows users to limit the setpoint setting range for heating and cooling
The setpoint limits for heating can be set via P013 (Comfort setpoint minimum)
and P014 (Comfort setpoint maximum heating). The setpoint limits for cooling
can be set via P015 (Comfort setpoint minimum cooling) and P016 (Comfort
setpoint minimum).
Cooling setpoint adjustable:
25…40 °C
Heating setpoint adjustable:
5…21 °C
For 4-pipe applications:
– The thermostat runs on the setpoint of the active sequence:
In heating mode, the heating setpoint is active and adjustable via rotary
In cooling mode, the cooling setpoint is active and adjustable via rotary
– Switching from the heating setpoint to the cooling setpoint and vice-versa
occurs when the room temperature reaches the adjusted limitation (P014 or
P015) of the inactive sequence. E.g., the thermostat is in heating sequence
and runs on the heating setpoint. When the room temperature reaches
P015, the thermostat switches to cooling and runs on the cooling setpoint,
as long as the room temperature does not drop below P014.
Use P019 and P020 to adjust Economy mode setpoints.
The heating setpoint is 15 °C (factory setting), and the cooling setpoint is 30 °C.
Use P100 and P101 to adjust the Protection mode setpoints.
The heating setpoint is 8 °C (frost protection, factory setting) and OFF for cooling.
If a setpoint (Economy or Protection) is set to OFF, the thermostat does not
control the room temperature in the corresponding mode (heating or cooling). As
a result, there is no protective heating or cooling function and thus risk of frost
during heating or risk of overtemperature during cooling!
The Economy setpoints (P019, P020) are accessible at the Service level; the
Protection setpoints (P100, P101) are accessible at the Expert level.
Setpoint energy saving
concept (P010 = 2)
Economy mode
Protection mode