Additional functions
52 | 150
4.6.6 Humidity
Humidity control limits humidity in the room according to the selected setpoint
(low/high) by shifting the temperature setpoint, or by enabling outputs to release
the external equipment as needed, e.g., the dehumidifier or humidifier.
Humidity control is active in Comfort mode when P450 is set to 1. The function can
be disabled by setting P450 to 0 (factory setting).
Humidity function is disabled in Economy or Protection mode.
The humidity level in the room is acquired by the built-in sensor. The thermostat
can receive the relative humidity via the bus if a valid humidity value is available
and selected on KNX (S-Mode or LTE-Mode).
The priorities are set as follows:
1. S-Mode
– By setting parameter “Room relative humidity” in the ETS to Receive, the
thermostat can display the relative humidity measured by an external
sensor on the bus.
– If the parameter is set to Transmit (factory setting), the thermostat can
display the humidity value measured by the built-in sensor and the value is
sent to the bus.
2. LTE-Mode
The thermostat displays the relative humidity value on the bus if the external
KNX sensor is in the same geographic zone apartment and room (A.R.1) as
the thermostat.
3. In other cases, the thermostat displays the humidity value measured by the
built-in sensor.
To display room humidity (%) on the thermostat, P009 needs to be set to 5.
The high humidity setpoint (%) is selectable via P024 (setpoint humidity high
Comfort) and can be adjusted via parameters in Service level or via bus.
Setting P024 to Off disables high humidity control.
The low humidity setpoint (%) is selectable via P026 (setpoint humidity low) and
can be adjusted via parameters in Service level or via bus.
Setting P026 to OFF (default setting) disables low humidity control. The setting
range is limited by P024.
S-Mode objects for the humidity setpoint are available, if the parameter "Humidity
setpoints" is set to as group object in ETS.
When relative humidity exceeds the high setpoint, the thermostat shifts the
temperature setpoint proportionally until P461 (max. shift temp setpoint) is
reached. If this control does not sufficiently reduce humidity, an external
dehumidifier can be switched on via relay outputs or KNX and related relay
function (P400, P401 or P402 is set to7).
Humidity control (P007,
Room humidity
Setpoint (P024)
Setpoint high
Setpoint low