Communication objects (S-Mode)
101 | 150
Object No. and name
Object No. and name
1 System time
4 Fault information
2 Date
5 Fault status (0 = Normal / 1 = Faulty)
3 Time of day
8 Room operating mode: Preselection
6 Fault transmission (0 = Enable / 1 = Disable)
7 Room operating mode: Preselection (receive)
17 Room operating mode: Status
9 Room operating mode: Preselection Auto
18 Room operating mode: Comfort status
10 Room operating mode: Preselection Comfort
19 Room operating mode: Economy status
11 Room operating mode: Preselection Economy
20 Room operating mode: Protection status
12 Room operating mode: Preselection Protection
13 Room operating mode: Time switch
27 Room temp: Comfort setpoint abs (send)
14 Room operating mode: Time switch Comfort
28 Room temp: Current setpoint
15 Room operating mode: Time switch Economy
31 Setpoint cool set (send)
16 Room operating mode: Time switch Protection
32 Setpoint heat set (send)
34 Room temperature: Comfort setpoint rel (send)
21 Room temp: [P19] Economy heating setpoint
35 Extended comfort mode status
22 Room temp: [P20] Economy cooling setpoint
37 Built-in room temperature value
23 Room operating mode: Window contact (0 =
Close / 1 = Open)
38 Frost alarm (0 = Normal / 1 = Alarm)
24 Room operating mode: Presence detector (0 =
NotOccupied / 1 = Occupied)
39 Heat alarm (0 = Normal / 1 = Alarm)
25 Room temp: Comfort basic setpoint
40 X1: Temperature [°C]
26 Room temp: Comfort setpoint abs (receive)
41 X1: Digital [0/1]
42 X2: Temperature [°C]
29 Setpoint cool set (receive)
43 X2: Digital [0/1]
30 Setpoint heat set (receive)
44 U1: Temperature [°C]
33 Room temperature: Comfort setpoint rel (receive)
45 U1: Digital [0/1]
36 External room temperature value
47 Heating/Cooling mode status (send) (1 = Heating
/ 0 = Cooling)
46 Heating/Cooling mode status (receive) (1 =
Heating / 0 = Cooling)
51 Fan operation (0 = Auto / 1 = Manual)
48 Application mode
53 Fan output
49 Dew point alarm (0 = Normal / 1 = Alarm)
57 Fan speed 1 (0 = Off / 1 = On)
50 Enable fan command value (0 = Disable / 1 =
58 Fan speed 2 (0 = Off / 1 = On)
59 Fan speed 3 (0 = Off / 1 = On)
52 Fan command value
61 Heating, control value continuous
54 Fan speed 1 (0 = Off / 1 = On)
62 Heating, control value continuous, seq 2
55 Fan speed 2 (0 = Off / 1 = On)
63 Cooling, control value continuous
56 Fan speed 3 (0 = Off / 1 = On)
64 Cooling, control value continuous, seq 2
60 Outside temperature
65 Heating, control value status (0 = Off / 1 = On)
66 Heating, control value status seq 2
(0 = Off / 1 = On)
76 Enable electric heater (0 = Disable / 1 = Enable)
67 Cooling, control value status (0 = Off / 1 = On)
68 Cooling, control value status seq 2
(0 = Off / 1 = On)
78 External room relative humidity value [% r.h.]
69 Heating and cooling, control value status
(0 = Off / 1 = On)
79 Room rel. humidity: Setpoint high
70 Heating and cooling, control value status seq2
(0 = Off / 1 = On)
80 Room rel. humidity: Setpoint low
71 Heating and cooling, control value continuous
81 Reset the Energy efficiency status (Green leaf)
(0 = No action / 1 = Reset)
72 Heating and cooling, control value continuous
seq 2
83 Enable or disable Leaf indication
(0 = Enable / 1 = Disable)
73 Control dehumidification (1 = On / 0 = Off)
84 Keypad: Lock fan speed
74 Control humidification (1 = On / 0 = Off)
85 Keypad: Lock fan speed in “auto” mode
75 Hum. Control mode (inactive/hum/dehum)
86 Keypad: Lock the setpoint shift
87 Keypad: Lock the operating mode
77 Built-in room relative humidity value [%r.h.]
82 Energy efficiency status / Green Leaf (0 = Green
/ 1 = Red)
Input communication object
Output communication object