Stator resistance (
Can be used instead of P088 to set the
motor stator resistance manually. The value
entered should be the resistance measured
across any two motor phases.
The measurement should be made at the
inverter terminals with power off.
If the value of P089 is too high then an
overcurrent trip (F002) may occur.
Serial link slave address
0 - 30
Up to 31 inverters can be connected via the
serial link and controlled by a computer or
PLC using the USS serial bus protocol. This
parameter sets a unique address for the
Serial link baud rate
3 - 7
Sets the baud rate of the RS485 serial
interface (USS protocol):
3 = 1200 baud
4 =
2400 baud
5 = 4800 baud
6 = 9600 baud
7 = 19200 baud
Some RS232 to RS485 converters are not
capable of baud rates higher than 4800.
Serial line time-out
0 - 240
This is the maximum permissible period
between two incoming data telegrams. This
feature is used to turn off the inverter in the
event of a communications failure.
Timing starts after a valid data telegram has
been received and if a further data telegram
is not received within the specified time
period, the inverter will trip and display fault
code F008.
Setting the value to zero switches off the
Serial link nominal system
setpoint (Hz)
0 - 150.0
Setpoints are transmitted to the inverter via
the serial link as percentages. The value
entered in this parameter represents 100%
(HSW = 4000H).
USS compatibility
0 - 2
0 = Compatible with 0.1 Hz resolution
1 = Enable 0.01 Hz resolution
2 = HSW is not scaled but represents the
actual frequency value to a resolution of
0.01 Hz (e.g. 5000 = 50 Hz).