Harmonics on Mains Supply System
The VSD and their installation shall comply with
the following reference standards:
IEEE 519 - “Guide for Harmonic Control and
Reactive Compensation of Static Power
Engineering Recommendation G5/3 of the
Electrical Council (UK).
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
When installed according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer the VSD
product range shall fulfil all requirements of the
EMC Directive as defined by the EMC Product
Standard for Power Drive Systems EN61800-3.
The VSD shall have a level of performance to
allow the assembler to self- certify their apparatus
for compliance with the EMC directive for the
industrial environment as regards the EMC
performance characteristics of the power drive
system. Performance limits are as specified in
the Generic Industrial Emission and Immunity
standards EN50081-2 and EN50082-2.
Radiated Emissions
EN55011, Level A1
Conducted Emissions
EN55011, Level A1
Supply Voltage Distortion
IEC 1000-2-4 (1993)
Voltage Fluctuations, Dips, Unbalance
Frequency Variations
IEC 1000-2-1
Magnetic Fields
EN 61000-4-8,
50Hz, 30A/m
Electrostatic Discharge
EN 61000-4-2,
8kV air discharge
Burst Interference
EN 61000-4-4, 2 kV power cables, 2
kV control
Surge Immunity
EN61000-4-5, 4kV common mode,
2kV differential
Radio frequency electromagnetic field,
amplitude modulated
ENV 50 140, 80-1`000Mhz, 10 V/m,
80% AM, power and signal lines
Radio-frequency electromagnetic field, pulse
ENV 50 204, 900 MHz, 10V/m 50%
duty cycle, 200Hz repetition rate
Preference shall be given to VSD that utilise
dedicated RFI filters and are integrated into the
VSD design. The design of the EMC filters must
minimise any additional space requirement and
shall preferably be filters which fit to the footprint
of the VSD
The VSD shall have the ability to be fitted with
RFI filters to Class B1.
Where RFI filters are supplied from a separate
supply source, documentation showing the test
results of the RFI filter and VSD combination and
its compliance to EN55011 (BS800) shall be
supplied as evidence of conformity.
If external RFI filters are used, they shall have
metal enclosures to a minimum protection rating
of IP20 (NEMA 1), and located as close to the
VSD input terminals as possible. Motor cables
shall be segregated from the mains supply cables
and the RFI filter by at least 30cm. Where motor
cables cross the mains cables they must cross at
right angles.