Flow Rate (Suction Flow Rate Calibration)
(1) Connect a "standard flowmeter" to the LV-250R.
(2) When "1 Flow Rate" is selected and the
[ENTER] key is pressed, the current
standard temperature setting is
displayed. The default setting is 20
Select the standard temperature from
among 0
C, 20
C and 25
C by
pressing the [UP] and [DOWN] keys,
and press the [ENTER] key.
(3) Set the flow rate. Press the [UP] and
[DOWN] keys to change the numerical
(4) When the preparation is completed, press the [START/STOP] key to start calibration.
"Offset" is displayed on the 3rd line, and the suction pump starts operating. After the
pump starts up, "Waiting" is displayed for about one minute for the suction flow rate to
stabilize. One minute after the pump has started up, "Start Sample Run" is displayed.
Make sure that the instantaneous flow rate display value has stabilized, and note down
the readout value on the standard flowmeter. Convert the readout value on the
standard flowmeter to the volume flow rate in the standard state according to the
standard temperature set in step (2). For example, when 25
C is selected, obtain the
volume flow rate after conversion to 25
C and 1 atmosphere.
(5) When you have noted down the readout
value on the standard flowmeter, press
the [START/STOP] key. Pump operation
stops, "Adj. Flow Rate" is displayed on
the 3rd line, and the average flow rate
during pump operation is displayed.
Match the flow rate display to the
readout value on the standard flowmeter
by pressing the [UP] and [DOWN] keys. Press the [ENTER] key. Calibration input is
accepted, and the screen returns to the Calibration menu.
After setting the numerical value, if the [MENU/ESCAPE] key is pressed before the
[ENTER] key is pressed, the screen will return to the Calibration menu without the
newly entered value being accepted.
The average flow rate displayed at (5) is displayed with the adjustment value of the
previous calibration reset. For this reason, the average flow rate may differ from the
suction flow rate displayed outside of the Calibration menu. Perform error
measurement for the suction flow rate in a different menu after calibration.
Calibrate "suction flow rate" after calibrating the "ambient temperature sensor" and
"ambient pressure sensor." For the actual volume flow rate (Actual VF), correct the
flow rate by "ambient temperature" and "ambient pressure." For this reason, if the
"ambient temperature sensor" and "ambient pressure sensor" are calibrated after the
"suction flow rate" is calibrated, they will be affected by an error in the "ambient
temperature" and "ambient pressure," and the precision of the instantaneous and total
flow rates in actual volume flow rate units will not be guaranteed.
C a l i b r a t i o n
S t a n d a r d
S e t
S t a n d a r d
T .
゜ C
2 0.0
C a l i b r a t i o n
S t a n d a r d
S e t
S t a n d a r d
T .
L / m i n
C a l i b r a t i o n
S t a n d a r d
A d j . F l o w R a t e
L / m i n