Manual – MOVIPRO® SDC with DeviceNet Interface
Explanation of the parameters
Parameterization of MOVIPRO
10.4 Explanation of the parameters
The parameters are explained below. The parameters are divided into 10 groups. The
parameter names correspond to their representation in the parameter tree. The factory
setting is indicated by underline.
10.4.1 Symbols
The following symbols explain the parameters:
10.4.2 P0xx display values
This parameter group contains the following information:
• Process values and states of the basic unit
• Process values and states of the installed options
• Error memory
• Fieldbus parameters
P00x process values
P000 speed
Resolution: ± 0.2 min
In VFC or U/f mode without connected encoder, the speed results from the setpoint
speed and the set slip compensation. The speed is established from the encoder or re-
solver signals and displayed when there is an encoder connection.
P001 user display
The user display is defined by the following parameters:
P850 Scaling factor numerator
(page 119)
P851 Scaling factor denominator
(page 119)
P852 User-defined unit
(page 119)
P002 frequency
Output frequency of the inverter.
P003 actual posi-
Position of the drive as a value in increments observing the signs in the range 0 – ±
1) increments (with encoder connection). Without encoder connection, the value is
P004 output cur-
Apparent current in the range 0 – 200% of the rated unit current.
P005 active cur-
Active current in the range 0 – 200 % I
. The display value is positive when torque is in
positive sense of rotation; negative when torque is in negative sense of rotation.
P006 / P007 motor
utilization 1 / 2
The current thermal motor utilization of the connected motor in parameter set 1 / 2 in the
range 0 – 200% is displayed. It is calculated using the motor temperature emulation in
These parameters are switch-selectable and available in parameter sets 1 and
These parameters can only be changed in inverter status "Inhibited" (= output
stage at high resistance).
The startup function automatically changes this parameter.