Highcooley's Onyx Bed Leveling Aid
is a great one to test your calibration. Highly
recommended. If you can print it perfectly you've "arrived". I couldn't find a similar thing for the
Eris®. If you know of one, let me know and I'll add it.
texsc98 took the challenge and created a
parametric version
that has defaults for Eris®.
Layer Tuning
You can use this set of files in a number of ways - everything from testing calibration
results to exploring slicer options to breaking in a new filament. These are designed for a .2mm
layer height.
The first cylinder (pt2mm tall) I call the Simple Single Layer Test and is my workhorse
calibration object for tuning first layer adhesion issues, profiling new filaments and host of other
uses. It is one layer high and can be used to test adhesion to the bed and first layer thickness
(measure it with a micrometer or calipers and compare to what the first layer height was
supposed to be). You can use this to tune your printer and slicing parameters to get perfect infill
and explore the effects of speed on infill quality without wasting a lot of time and filament
printing larger parts poorly. I also use it when I am testing a new filament to dial it in. It's a really
versatile tool and I use it every day.
This cylinder is .4mm tall, or two layers. It can also be used similar to the first cylinder
but the second layer will show issues in orthogonal movements to the first layer. It also provides
a little more thickness to measure to verify layer height. It can also help tune the top capping
The last cylinder is .6mm tall, or three layers. Again, it can be used like the first two. I
don't use it as often.