Every now and then my
cooler will drain some
water. Is this ok?
Yes this is normal and means your water management or watermiser system is
working correctly.
If you have the water management or watermiser type fitted the system is de
signed to monitor and control the quality of the water in the tank. It only drains
water when the system really needs to. It does this by bleeding off water down
through the drain, which is replaced with fresh water via water inlet float valve
as the water level in the unit drops. The frequency at which the water manager
bleeds off is determined by the quality of the water in the tank. A probe in the
tank measures the water salinity (impurities) and when this rises above a set
level the unit will drain some water. The frequency at which the water manager
will allow water to bleed off is dependent on: 1) The water supply quality, 2) The
temperature of the day, 3) The humidity of the day, 4) The wind of the day, 5)
The fan speed the unit is being run at and 6) The size of the unit.
What should I do if water
flows from my drainpipe
when the cooler is turned
If your cooler has the “No seasonal Maintenance” feature then it will drain all
the water out of the unit after a preset period of time (refer to your Owners
Manual). Also after it rains you may see water dripping from the drainpipe, this
is normal.
What should I do if water
continues to drip out of
my drainpipe?
Firstly this situation is not usual because after each time the cooler drains water
with its water management system there will be a period of drips until the pipe
clears. Also after it rains you may see water dripping from the drainpipe.
I use a rain water supply
to my cooler so do I need
so much water being
drained out with the water
management system?
With a constant bleed system you can reduce the flow rate and ask that you
refer to your Owners Manual for information.
With Water management or Water miser systems the controls constantly moni-
tor the water quality so with better water quality less water will be drained away.
It needs to be noted that the unit will only drain water when it needs to on this
type of system which will be far less than the minimum rate on a constant bleed