The electrode tip should protrude between 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm from the end of the
The optimal setting for the electrode tip is compound-dependent. The distance that the
electrode tip protrudes affects the shape of the spray cone, and the shape of the spray cone
affects mass spectrometer sensitivity.
Figure C-2 Electrode Tip Extension Adjustment
Optimize the Nebulizer Current
The ion source is controlled by current and not by voltage. Select the appropriate current for the
acquisition method, regardless of the ion source selection position.
Start with a nebulizer current value of 3 and then increase or decrease it to achieve the best
signal or signal-to-noise ratio.
The nebulizer current applied to the corona discharge needle usually optimizes between
1 µA and 5 µA in either polarity. If no changes in signal are observed when the current is
increased, then leave the current at the lowest value that provides the best signal or signal-to-
noise ratio.
Optimize the APCI Probe Temperature
The quantity and type of solvent affects the optimal APCI probe temperature. At higher flow
rates, the optimal temperature increases.
Ion Source Optimization
SCIEX 3200 Systems
System User Guide