Operating manual 810378-BAL-EN-170330
Mach/30 2017
Page 31 of 54
Specification of the fieldbus interfaces
Chapter 8 describes the CAN-Bus interface
Chapter 9 describes the PROFINET interface
Chapter 9 describes the Ethernet/IP interface
Chapter 10: describes the EtherCAT interface
Specification of the CAN-bus-interface
8.1. Bus interface
The smart-E high voltage generator is a CAN slave and to be factory provided with
Node ID 2 and set to a baud rate of 250 kBit/s. 50 kBit/s and 125 kBit/s can also be set.
Node ID and baud rate are set via co-called SDOs (see below) and always assumed
after a restart. All other parameters are immediately assumed.
CAN bus system always requires a connection resistance. This is
not integrated into the HV generator.
8.2. Application interface
Use our standardized "EDS" files to load the applications interface
to your control software.
EDS files are simple text files that use network configuration tools
to support the identification of products and their simple equipping
in a network.
SCHNIER provides an EDS file with all parameters and format in-
formation of the HV generator. It can be obtained on the smart-E
Control of the generator via CAN open
This generator uses the CAN open protocol for communication. After the 24 V CPU
supply has been applied, the recording processor starts and sends a boot up message.
The generator is now controlled via the receive-PDO "RXPD1" with the COB ID
Status information and measurements are saved by the generator in send-PDO
"TXPDO1 with the COB ID "0x180+Node-ID". These must then be requested by the
superordinate controls using SYN objects.
Other parameters are transferred via SDOs. Details are described in the object directo-