Therefore, numerator 0 and denominator of the electronic gear are 16384 and 125, respectively.
If the traveling amount of the mechanical system per servo motor revolution includes π, you can
approximate to 355/113.
The number of output pulses is irrelevant to command pulse correction.
Compliant with P1.08: Set value of the number of output pulses per revolution.
Number of command output pulses per revolution
Default value
Setting range
0: Electronic gear (P1.09/10) is enabled
64~262144 [pulse]: This
parameter setting is enabled
Enter the number of pulses output per motor rotation from pulse output terminal (A-phase or B-phase).
As the output format applies A/B phase pulse, the setting range is set as follows:17-bit motor: 16 to 32768
If the reference value is other than 0, the Z-phase output synchronizes with the A-phase output, and an
output having the same pulse width as that of the A-phase is obtained.
With default value "0," settings of parameters P1.09 and P1.10 are followed.
Numerator of electric gear for output pulses
Default value
Setting range
Denominator of electric gear for output pulses
Default value
Setting range
Specify the ratio of the output pulse per revolution of the servomotor.
Calculate according to the following equation.
• In case of a 17-bit encoder, specify "1/16" to output 2048 (32768 x 1/16) A-phase and B-phase pulses per
• The Z-phase output is issued asynchronously to the A- and B-phases at a constant pulse width of 125μs.
Enter parameters so that P1.09 ≤P1.10. If P1.09 > P1.10, the division ratio is 1.
0.01 mm per pulse
10 mm per 1000 pulses (One full motor revolution)