manuale di installazione, conduzione e manutenzione
Installation and maintenance manual
Remove the safety fasteners, if required for the transport, and check that the shock-absorbers are free.
Check the alignment of pulleys and the stretch of the belts (see previous chapter).
Switch the fan on and immediately off in order to check the correct direction of rotation, in compliance with the arrow
applied on the scroll.
After the first hour of working, check that the temperature of the impeller shaft supports
does not 60°C.
Measure the real absorption of the motor and compare with the rated values.
If a higher value is detected, especially for fans with forward blades, it indicates an excessive flow-rate
of air, caused by circuit resistance values lower than what expected .
On the contrary, a lower value indicates a low flow-rate caused by excessive resistances in the circuit.
In any case, a precise calculation of the load losses of the whole circuit, as it is built up, is necessary,
as well as the subsequent modification of the transmission.
Causes, effects and remedies concerning the most common
troubles that can occur during the startup
Poor air flow-rate:
- wrong rotation of the fan
- aeraulic circuit not calibrated or with accidental occlusions and resistances higher than design
- transmission belts loosened
- power supply voltage lower than the minimum required value.
Excessive air flow-rate:
- filters not inserted.
- doors are open or panels are missing.
- aeraulic circuit not calibrated with resistances lower than the design values.
Electric motor:
- wrong rotation, invert two cables of the power supply line.
- absorption higher that the rated value, due to the excessive air flow-rate
Insufficient thermal efficiency of the heat exchange batteries:
- insufficient flow-rate of the thermal carrier fluid
- wrong hydraulic connections, the counter-current exchange hasn't been met.
- the top part of the bladed pack is not war enough, due to the presence of air bubbles.
Act on the air vent valve that must be provided at the highest point of the hydraulic coupling.
- the automatic control does not work correctly.
- condensate steam trap is not fit for steam batteries.