manuale di installazione, conduzione e manutenzione
Installation and maintenance manual
The steam humidifier sections are provided with drop-trap, condensate collection tank and stainless
steel distribution nozzle to which a control valve can be connected to regulate the centralized production
steam (the valve can be supplied on request) or an independent immersed electrode generator.
The latter, if supplied by us as accessory, can be supplied separately or already installed on a side of
the UTA and coupled to the distribution nozzle, complete with all the assembly, use and maintenance
instructions issued by the Manufacturer.
Ventilation sections
Connection of the safety switch
All the access doors to the ventilation sections are provided with safety switch or, on
request, of protection counter-door, made of drilled sheet and fastened by screws.
The safety switch, of normally open type, must be connected to the fan motor contactor auxiliary so that, when
opening the door, it disconnect the contacts and switch off the power supply.
Connection to electric motors
In the standard versions, when coupled with the transmission to the centrifugal fans, the electric motors have only one speed of rotation;
they are manufactured in compliance with UNEL MEC Standards, in form B3 with class F insulation, EFF2 energy class and IP.55
For powers
up to 5.5 kW
230/400V direct startup
is foreseen with triangle for 230V and star for 400V.
For powers from
7.5 kW and higher
the startup must be
400V star/triangle
with triangle for 400V and star for 690V.
For the connection:
- drill one of the panels and apply a fairlead pipe having appropriate diameter in order to permit the passage of the electric cable.
- remove the terminal box cover; its inside face shows the connection diagram according to which you can check that the terminal
connections are fit for the available power supply voltage.
- connect the power supply cable to the terminal box, including the ground cable.
- close the terminal box cover again, paying attention to the correct positioning of the seal that must avoid the infiltration of humidity.
- fasten all the cables inside the section with particular care, for they are in the air flow generated by the fan.
The motorized ventilation units with "plug-fan" free impeller are provided with electric motor coupled
directly to the impeller and must be always connected to the power supply by means of an INVERTER.
Checks of fan and transmission
Make sure that the motor power supply has been completely switched off and that
nobody can switch it on unintentionally.
Check the tightening of the fastening screws of fan, saddle and motor.
Check that the scroll inside is perfectly clean and make sure that no extraneous body
lies on the bottom.
Move the impeller manually to check the free rotation of the shaft.
Check the alignment of the driving pulley with the fan pulley as well as their stability on
the relevant shafts.
Check the stretch of the transmission belt and, if necessary, restore the stretch by
means of the special screw of the motor support saddle.
The correct working of a transmission equipped with SP belts is conditioned by the
correct stretch of assembly.
According to the following figure, a fast check of the stretch can be calculated as
= ------ x 1.5 = mm