AEP-CHS-20191117 39
temperature between 20 ~ 25°C. When using PEEK and ULTEM™, pre-warm them
sufficiently in the oven to ensure no bubble during loading tests and a smooth surface in
the finished product.
[Cautions while printing with ULTEM
ULTEM™ 1010 prints have strong adhesion to the glass bed, so if the bed or chamber
temperature drop sharply during printing, the print will be deformed and the equipment
will be less durable. Therefore, during printing, the door should be kept as closed as
possible and wait for the annealing process (which takes about 6 hours) to finish normally
after the output is finished.
Even if the printing is cancelled, the annealing process is required when the printed
materials are stacked in a larger area than 3 layers.
[When the nozzle or bed does not move]
Run the NewCreatorK desktop version, connect to the printer, go to the “Control” tab,
change the Motor setting from Off to On and check if it operates normally.
Click XY Home and Z Home button to move the bed and extruder the origin and check.
If the problem is not solved, reboot the equipment.
[Updating the firmware (F/W)]
Save the firmware file onto the PC where NewCreatorK is installed.
Run NewCreatorK and click the “Connect” button to connect to the device.
Go to the Print Info window and click the “Update” button.
When the file selection window appears, navigate to and select the saved F/W file
Observe the green progress bar. The equipment will automatically reboot when the file
transfer is completed.
If 5 minutes has passed and booting is not completed and the LCD screen remains off,
power off the equipment manually and turn on.
[Updating the NewCreatorK software]
Extract the NewCreatorK update file provided and run the NewCreatorK_V * .exe file.
The PC with NewCreatorK installed can be updated without selecting “Python 2.7.6
Install” and “USB Driver (Invivo, AEP, Stealth Series)”.
Even if you install in the same location where NewCreatorK is installed, the existing
settings will not be erased or initialized.
[General preparation before printing]