AEP-CHS-20191117 30
When the extruder moves to the center of the bed and stops, wait until the bed temperature
reaches 50 degrees and remains stable.
When the bed temperature reaches 50 degrees, see the top of the control window and select
the minimum unit of Z axis movement as 0.1mm or 1mm. (Press the nozzle slowly while
checking moving distance of the bed, being careful not to hit the bed.)
Click the Up button of Z-axis until the nozzle and bed are in contact.
When the nozzle tip is close to the bed, adjust the Z axis movement unit to 0.1 mm and
fine-tune it. When it comes in contact with the bed, click the [Set Probe Z Offset] button.
If you have a newly set Measure Probe, Auto leveling will only work if you click the
[Enabled] button and check [Print with Auto leveling].