Functional description of PRxx1 series controllers Rev.H.doc
Such controller can be still a part of an Alarm Zone, however, its Armed /Disarmed Mod is not
subject to any CPR32-SE based controls and it depends exclusively on input line
Alarm Zone Hierarchy
RACS4 access control system can incorporate at least one Alarm Zone. Zones can operate
independently, or they can be arranged into a hierarchic structure. In case of independent Alarm
Zones, any change of Armed/Disarmed Mode within one zone do not affect other zones. Hierarchic
structures may adopt master/slave type relationship between corresponding alarm zones. In such
case following rules are valid:
Arming a master zone makes all slave zones armed
Disarming a master zone does not affect slave zones mode
Arming a slave zone does not make the master zone armed
Disarming a slave zone does not make the master zone disarmed
The Alarm Zone Hierarchy in RACS4 system is in the form of tree structure. The structure reflects
mutual relationships and dependencies between all Alarm Zones.
Figure 8 Example of Alarm Zones Hierarchy
In the above example, the zone no. 4 is independent of all other Alarm Zones. The Alarm Zone 1 is
a master zone for the Alarm Zone 2 and Alarm Zone 3, whereas the Alarm Zone 3 is a slave zone
for the zone 2 and 1. Arming of zone 1 causes zones 2 and 3 to be armed accordingly. Finally,
arming the zone 2 arms the zone 3, etc.
2.8 Inputs
Controller PR411DR has eight input lines (IN1…8), whereas other controllers of PRxx1 series
(PR311SE, PR611 and PR621) have three input lines (IN1…3). As an option additional two input
lines can be provided by connection of XM-2 extension module. Each input line can be configured
as normally opened (NO) or normally closed (NC). The normally open line becomes triggered when
shorted to ground (supply minus), while normally closed line is triggered when disconnected from
ground (supply minus). Internally, each input is pulled up to supply plus through 15kΩ resistor. The
average threshold voltage between low and high logical level is around 3V in respect to ground
(supply minus). All input lines can be programmed to following functions:
Table 9: Input functions
Input line can be switched to [00] if it is not used