Functional description of PRxx1 series controllers Rev.H.doc
to any Alarm Zone. If the option is deactivated then arming/disarming based on Schedules is
switched off.
2.7 Access Rights
Defining access rights in a RACS4 type system consists in determining a user access to particular
Access Zones as well as defining Schedules. Shortly, access control process definition is as follows
Assigning users to Groups
Defining Access Zones (assigning terminals to particular Access Zone)
Defining Schedules
Linking user Groups to Access Zones and Schedules. In that stage administrator specifies
Schedules (hours, days) for users gaining access to particular Access Zones
Configuring other access control mechanisms (e.g. Door Modes, Inputs, Function Keys, APB
Zones and more)
Access granting procedure by a controller is as follows:
User authentication (login)
Group identification the user belongs to
Determining access rights for a given Group to the given Access Zone
Verifying other access control mechanisms
Process of granting access by controller is as follows
User authentication (login)
Identification of the Group, the user belongs to
Determining access rights of identified Group to particular Access Zone
Verifying other access control mechanisms
Decision on granting the access
Door lock is released
Note: In RACS4 system, administrator defines who, where and when is granted the access. New
user can be assigned to No Access Group and cannot open any door or to No Group and then he is
given unlimited 24h/7d access to all Access Zones.
2.7.1 Access Signaling
Whenever a controller grants the access, it activates the LED OPEN ,. and it remains lit as long as
the door lock is released.
2.7.2 Door Lock Control
Typically, there are four methods for the actuator's control:
applying voltage for the actuator (e.g. door strike)
removing voltage from the actuator (e.g. magnetic lock)
applying electric pulse (e.g. barriers)
triggering servo motor (e.g. motor lock)
Door lock can be controller using the following outputs:
[97]: Entry door lock, [98]: Exit
door lock, [99]: Door lock
A controller activates the output
after access granted event on either side of the controlled
door (Terminal ID0 or Terminal ID1).
outputs are activated depending on which
side of door the access was granted. In general,
outputs are used for the rotary
gate control where it is important to determine the direction of gate rotation.
As soon as user is granted the access, door is unlocked for the time period determined by the
following parameter: Door Unlock Time which may vary from 1 to 99 seconds. As an option, the
door lock control can be accomplished using the latch mode (Door Unlock Time=00). In such case,
the door is unlocked till another access grant event occurs.