VOC Pro Transmitter • 61
Calibrating the Sensor (Manual Cal)
You should ONLY calibrate the sensor after completing the zero process. The screen below
appears upon entering calibration mode. If Auto Cal was chosen in the Product Settings and
Configuration menu, see page 62.
1. Unscrew and remove the sensor housing cap from the assembly.
2. Install the calibration cup to the VOC Pro’s sensor housing.
3. Screw the regulator into the calibration cylinder.
4. Use the sample tubing to connect the regulator to the calibration cup.
5. Turn the regulator knob counterclockwise to open the regulator.
6. Let the gas flow until the reading stabilizes, approximately 1 minute.
7. Use the ADD and SUB buttons to adjust the reading on the screen to match the applied
calibration gas concentration.
For 10.6 eV and 11.7 eV PID sensors, if you are calibrating with a gas other than
isobutylene, you must take the calibration gas’ factor to isobutylene into account
when setting the calibration gas concentration.
8. When calibration is complete, remove the calibration cup from the sensor housing and
reinstall the rain guard.
9. Press the MENU button until the normal operating screen appears.