48 • VOC Pro Transmitter
12. Use this cotton swab to polish the PID lamp window. Use a circular motion, applying light
pressure to clean the lamp window. Do not touch the lamp window with your fingers.
Figure 11: Polishing the Electrode Lamp Window
13. Continue polishing until you can hear a squeaking sound made by the cotton swab moving
over the window surface. This usually occurs after about 15 seconds of polishing.
14. Remove the residual powder from the lamp window with a clean cotton swab. Take care
not to touch the tip of the cotton swab that is used to clean the lamp as this may
contaminate it with finger oil.
15. Ensure the lamp is completely dry and any visible signs of contamination are removed
before reinstalling.
16. Hold the electrode stack between the thumb and forefinger of one hand and place the
window end of the lamp inside the O-ring seal in the electrode stack with the other hand as
shown below.
Figure 12: Reinstalling the Electrode Lamp
17. Twisting the lamp slightly during insertion will help to ensure the lamp window is snug
against the stack's front electrode. The lamp should be supported by the O-ring.
18. Continuing to hold the electrode stack between your forefinger and thumb, carefully insert
the lamp into the lamp cavity in the sensor ensuring that the lamp remains in position.
19. Press in the electrode stack firmly to ensure that the stack wing clips are engaged and the
faces of the stack and sensor body are flush.