This is an active low-input signal to the MiniPCIe add-in card. This signal is used by the system to
disable radio operation on add-in cards that implement radio frequency applications. This input signal to
the MiniPCIe card disables the card if the card supports this feature.
This is an active low-input signal to the MiniPCIe add-in card that is used to reset the MiniPCIe card. It
is the VP3500 board’s reset (platform reset).
These signals serve as the MiniPCIe I2C SMB bus interface. This allows for communication between
the MiniPCIe card and the system for management functions.
This optional open-drain output signal from a MiniPCIe card is connected to a yellow LED that is
mounted on the VP3500 that is located by the add-in card. When the MiniPCIe card drives this signal low,
it illuminates the yellow LED to signify that a wireless wide area network (cellular data) card is installed
or active.
This optional open-drain output signal from a MiniPCIe card is connected to a green LED that is mounted
on the VP3500 that is located by the add-in card. When the MiniPCIe card drives this signal low, it
illuminates the green LED to signify that a wireless local area network (802.11) card is installed or active.
This optional open-drain output signal from a MiniPCIe card is connected to a blue LED mounted on the
VP3500 that is located by the add-in card. When the MiniPCIe card drives this signal low, it illuminates the
blue LED to signify that a wireless personal area network (blue tooth) card is installed or active.
VP3500 User Manual • Document Number 101-3500-0001 • Revision A0
Property of Rigel Engineering, LLC. Confidential & Proprietary
690 Cone Park Court, Merritt Island, Florida 32952
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