1 October, 1999
SC726: Finisher shift motor error
Definition: [B]
Tray shift is not detected within a certain period after the shift motor is turned on.
Possible causes:
Shift motor defective
Shift tray half-turn sensor defective
SC730: Finisher stapler position motor error
Definition: [B]
1) The stapler does not return to its home position within a certain period after
the stapler motor is turned on.
2) The stapler H.P sensor is not activated within a certain period after the stapler
motor turned on.
Possible causes:
Stapler motor defective
Stapler H.P sensor defective
Poor stapler motor connection
SC733: Finisher stack feed-out motor error
Definition: [B]
The stack feed-out belt H.P sensor is not activated within a certain period after
the stack feed-out motor is turned on.
Possible causes:
Stack feed-out H.P sensor defective
Stack feed-out motor defective
SC734: Finisher lift motor error
Definition: [B]
The stack height sensor is not activated within a certain period after the shift tray
lift motor is turned on.
Possible causes:
Shift tray lift motor defective
Stack height sensor defective