Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Same to linear axis
DELTA ASDA--B2 Encoder pulses default--N=160000
A2 Encoder pulses default--N=1280000
E.g. B2
Electronic gear ratio numerator N=160000
Electronic gear ratio denominator M=1000×360×1/40=9000,
Electronic gear ratio = =
Set P1-44=160
Calculate pulse equivalent according to fixed electronic gear ratio
Encoder pulse count per revolution 2500×4=10000
Pulse equivalent=
=1111.111(results retain up to three decimal places)
PS6.3 Proportion calculation method
If there is an error when calculate it according to the formula or cannot get relevant data to
calculate, it can be calculated according to the proportion method. Suppose handle pulse
equivalent is A, press "
" switching to distance mode, set a distance B, measuring the
number of actual moving distance C, then the actual pulse equivalent = A × B ÷ C.
For example: Suppose handle pulse equivalent A = 400, distance B = 100, actual distance C =
80, then the actual pulse equivalent = 400 × 100 ÷ 80 = 500
Repeat calculation for several times until you get the correct pulse equivalent value.
Common problems and troubleshooting
PS7.1 Solutions for screen display faults
After powered on the “Screen flicker or automatically restart”
Switching mode power supply is insufficient. Check power supply if there are problems, and
change high-quality power supply to solve the problems.
The local power grid unstable. Check local grid voltage stability or use the regulator filter